Cure – The Mistletoe Therapy

The Mistletoe – The Universal Remedy
Extracts from the alchemistic medicinal herbs lore



My professional career and the signs of the times have inspired me to dedicate this “Song of Songs” to a special plant genus, which was called “Queen of Cure” in long forgotten times, praised and used by the highest priests in order to bring luck, blessing and salvation to the people.

Based on fragmented traditions and rational physical tests, various authors and medical scientists have tried to understand this special plant genus, to describe it, to find it and to win it.

However, based on mere rational, linear ways of thinking, there are no insights possible about this; in order to bring this plant’s brilliancy into spotlight, it needs a profound alchemistic basic training and several years of nature-watch, which are absent in our western school-system.

All of the following wisdoms about this extraordinary plant genus are based on observations during my 20-year study of life and on the dialogues with my inner master. It might happen that your mental capacity gets expanded and widened a bit, yet I ask you to understand my efforts to report everything as correctly and clearly as possible. In this sense I would like to thank you for the time that you are going to dedicate to these abstracts and for your accompanying good thoughts. May there be blessing.
Kurt Josef Kickinger

This unique plant genus is commonly called MISTLETOE, of which hardly anybody knows that this name actually is a collective term like e.g. “vegetables”. In Europe alone, about 90 types of “viscaceae” can be found, of which about 20 were offered in pharmacies as medicinal herbs until the ending 19th century. To simplify matters, I am going to list the most important, basic types now 

°) viscum album – the mistletoe herb
°) loranthus europaeus – the strap flower
°) viscum quercinum – the oak mistletoe

of which the most commonly known is viscum album, found on apple, pear and other deciduous trees, as well as on conifers. The loranthus europaeus was brought to our region and cultivated a long time before Christ during the migration of the peoples. It can be found more frequently in areas of former pre-Christian settlements, like for instance in the Wachau, where the climate is beneficial for the strap flower. However, the prime and most remedial mistletoe genus is the OAK MISTLETOE, viscum quercinum



The day that’s no day claims a tree that’s no tree;
Of low and yet high growth.
When the paling autumn queen drops her leaves,
My own leaves sprout freshly from her branchlets,
When the wildapple shakes off his delicious fruits,
My own, all curing fruits ripe upon his branchlets;
For here I gleam in white and green – and elsewhere golden.

Passage from a bards’ song (transl.), about 800 AD. The oak mistletoe has been known and appraised as medicinal plant for thousands of years (compare Plinius the elder “historae naturalis”) and counts as one of the oldest kinds one earth. No other herb has been awarded such universal, magical energy by the clerics of all peoples. Our ancestors cited: All that comes from the oak, comes from heaven and when an oak bears mistletoe, it is a visible sign for the presence of the gods.” Already in our European superstition, in legends, in fairytales and in old traditions, the mistletoe had a “superior” (in the true sense of the word) function. Thus, it is cited as lucky charm, defensive magic (mysterious effects against evil spirits and demons gave the mistletoe such names as pentacle…), treasure discoverer and the like repeatedly. However, in order to discuss more exactly how come, I would like to explain the mistletoe itself first.


The Mistletoe’s Nature – botanically

Basically: The mistletoe does not care for earth or sky, it grows the way it wants and lingers outside all rhythms and laws of terrestrial growth. Some examples: it does not care for day or night, top or bottom, summer or winter, laws of gravitation, linear laws (spatial extent).

1.   The mistletoe’s LEAVES are evergreen, lined symmetrically on both sides and show no leaf-veins, ONLY nerves (cures all nervous disorder). The leaves always sprout in pairs (exceptions) and drop every 4th year.

2.   The BLOSSOMS do not only grow from young shoots but also from older ones, as soon as the bloom is over, new buds evolve. Blooming time is January till March.

3.    The SEEDS ripen in December (golden, like little suns among the oaks’ branches); their ripening time may need up to 24 moons. Therefore, the mistletoe often bears seeds and fruits simultaneously (male and female principle). The spreading of the seeds happens via “air-beings” (mistle thrushes, blackbirds, pigeons) which eat the ripe fruits in the beginning of the year and thus pre-digest those, i.e. they only digest the berries’ peels; the actual seeds get stuck to the bark of the host-tree, stay there and start to sprout within the first three moons of the new year. An observation of the mistletoe’s growth discovers that it neither strives towards the sky, nor towards the ground, having no specific spatial direction; it assumes ball-shape (an aggregate of germ buds builds a ball-shape growth!)

4.   Since the mistletoe bears no relation to the earth (far off the ground, reproduction via birds), it is dependent on a host-tree and a so called semi-parasite with an own photosynthesis. Tests have proven that mistletoe, taken in the beginning of December and hung into a dark, wet basement vault, is still able to grow after 1! year, provided that it gets attached to a tree then. It should be considered that a big oak takes, clears and delivers about 1500-2000 liters of water per day. Therefore, the mistletoe’s consumption of water cannot be the actual cause for the tree death.

5.   All plants need darkness in order to shoot; not the mistletoe, it prefers the light. The light-relation also shows in the high richness of phosphor, potassium, magnesium, of which the last has a role in the porphyrin-pattern of chlorophyll. The following insights on aura-substance will confirm this.

“Everything about the mistletoe is odd and upside-down!”


The Mistletoe’s Nature – aura-substantial

  1. The mistletoe’s planetary resonance also shows that it is unique among plants: SUN, MOON and JUPITER.
    The sun is the basic source of all light, the causal life-energy, the male (electric, dextrorotatory) principle, the day’s side of the consciousness, the center of all.
    Element: fire; Metal: gold
    The moon is the indirect, intuitive, creative and female (magnetic, levorotatory) principle, responsible for emotion, appetence and depth.
    Element: water; Metal: silver
    (note: Gold and silver are alchemistically seen no metals but energy states.)
    Jupiter is bearer of the aspects wealth and prosperousness, bright serenity, assurance and sense in life.
    Element: fire; Metal: tin
    Analogy learned people will find some basic information here; nonetheless, I would like to mention that, if sun and moon are to have the same amount of energy, there are dusk and dawn for that – the known transitional periods. Good observers know that regularly NOTHING and EVERYTHING may happen during these times.
  2. The mistletoe is classified with the element AIR, i.e. it influences the executive being and tool: the mind! In the elements lore the element air (symbol of the spirit) is the connector between fire (emotion) and water (feeling) and has the highest rank on the spiritual ladder.
  3. The mistletoe’s light-body (aura) is not like those of the other plants that we know. It is so intense that the mistletoe could be assigned to the animal kingdom. Hence, the mistletoe is a plant that helps other trees’ auras.
    All trees that carry mistletoes are located in so called radiation or disturbance zones. Since trees cannot change geographically, they open their bark for the mistletoe seeds via their information structure. The seeds grow to become mistletoes, attached to the host-tree, and DERADIATE (clean) the negative energies (moon: magnetic) and IRRADIATE (renew, cure) with a multiple factor (sun: electric) the aura of the host-tree. It works as a “bio-exorcist”. The tree, however, cannot decide on the amount of mistletoes, and we all are aware that: too much of the good is overkill. In former times, when the forest was still cared for, the farmers and rangers noticed the mistletoe population and “cut it down to size”. Plus, there have always been trees, since the beginning of all life, and therefore mistletoes has been as well.
    Most trees do not feel comfortable in disturbance zones; they turn, they bend or they shrivel. Not so the oak. Its acorns prefer, provided a free growth, all disturbance fields for germination, except for water veins. The oak’s royal rigidity gets unpleasantly influenced by the fluxion (soft is stronger than hard). This means that the spin (rotary movement on the molecule layer) get disturbed significantly. Ditto if a human spends most of his/her time above a water vein (see “Application”). Trees that are not mistletoe receptive grow huge “cancerous ulcers”.
In its information structure the oak stands for royalty and rigidity. The oak mistletoe adopts this information. It is known from homeopathy that pure (in this case capillary) water has the highest payload for information. The ancestors’ mistletoe harvest (next chapter) symbolized a “dethronement” of the king; the oak mistletoe’s information “royal and rigid”, thus, is reflected in the symptoms “egoistic and prejudiced”. In case you should be common with tarot, dear reader, you will know where the “Ruler” has his correct seat within the year-wheel and, thus, you will know the right harvest time to get this mistletoe quality.



Basically, it should be mentioned that there is no exact instruction included into the following information on the mistletoe harvest; I am going to provide the ladder but you have to climb it yourself. Some important factors about this have already been mentioned in the above written texts. Remember: the mistletoe is an extraordinary being with such a high amount of light-ability that you should bear in mind, your attitude (with which everything starts) may be truly LIGHT-CHARACTERED in order not to dim the mistletoe’s information (spiritual equivalence). Supportive for the basic attitude are

  1. respect towards all life
  2. loving affinity
  3. humility of reception
  4. thankfulness for the received

Druids did not know anything more sacred than the mistletoe and the tree that it grows upon. What the druids harvested, was admittedly a symbolic dethronement of the king but simultaneously the fusion between the very moment and eternal life! Therefore, pay attention to the following spiritual law: everything has an effect thanks to its presence but with a clear task (lived attitude) you boost this effect enormously. These points should be clarified previously:

  1. why
  2. what kind of mistletoe
  3. when
  4. how
  5. where

ad a+b) why + what kind of mistletoe
when the cause of the illness, its symptoms and the adequate application are known, the choice of the mistletoe type and its parts can be made. For the mistletoe ANCIENT YEAR-TINCTURE all parts from both harvests are used. This tincture helps against most illnesses, substantially and homeopathically. In cases of psychic character disturbances the male and female mistletoe parts from the according trees are to be harvested analogically.

ad c) when
the harvesting time for the mistletoe harvest begins with the midwinter solstice, the subsequent moon phases, the ration between sun and Jupiter and with major astrologic incidences. If the correct point of time (local-astrologically) has been found, the time for the harvest starts 15 minutes before (male) and ends 15 minutes after (female) it.

  1. The SILVER-mistletoe: on the 6th day after the first new moon of the new year
  2. The GOLD-mistletoe: on the eve of “Johanni” (6th moon of the new year)

Both mistletoe harvests are set to evolve 1:1 in a high-proof wine-spirit (alc.) for one moon long and the silver-mistletoe should be allowed to welcome the moon once a day, whereas the gold-mistletoe should be allowed to welcome the sun once a day. Then, both parts have to be united dextrorotatory to a “Lugnasad” (Lammas). Further mistletoe harvests emerge from the time quality of the year-wheel. E.g. aiming high and fertility: Mar/21; however, all harvests may be newly calculated annually.

ad d) how

Consider the word ‘blessed’ and realize that it is connected to light and joy. If you want to get something, then give something in return. Bring crops, bread, fruit, etc for the grove’s animals and place them respectfully to the bottom of the tree. Create atmosphere! Tell the tree what you want from it; bring it water and joyful words. Express your thanks. DRUIDAE CANTARE SOLEBANT! It is a druids’ tradition to sing something for the mistletoes.

  1. Do not ever bring the mistletoe into contact with iron or other metal!
  2. The mistletoe may NEVER touch the ground!
  3. The mistletoe may not come close to electricity fields (50cm)

If you take a closer look at the above written, those 3 points will appear plausible to you, for the mistletoe would lose its information structure pretty soon if exposed to opposing conditions and hence become insufficient.

During winter it is easy to harvest the mistletoe with the left hand or a ceramic knife; it is of advantage to be there on time with a few helping hands in order to prepare boxes, which are then to be put into a wooden chest that has already been placed upon the transport trailer. For the processing, glass, ceramics and wood are beneficial.

ad e) where
Find places of energy where you can feel that everything is alright. If you intend to harvest on somebody else’s property, you should inform the owner first. The higher the host-tree, the higher the ladder. In case of special requests towards the mistletoe, choose a tree that owns this quality or radiation beforehand.

The mistletoe harvest is a sacred act. Keep that in mind and respect all creatures, then your harvest and the power of the mistletoe will be adquat.


Medicinal Properties & Application

Cure means translated: light’s blessing; in all old tongues (Irish, Welsh, Germanic, Celtic…) mistletoe means “ALL-CURE” and ‘all’ always stands for the Highest, which together with the energy-body is “the gods’ light-blessing”.

(alchemistic basic rule)

Basically, the contents of viscum album have already been researched most exactly and I would like to ask anyone who is interested, to go and buy adequate literature on this (e.g. a very interesting and nice book: ISBN 3-8047-0862-5, ‘Mistel’). With the oak mistletoe, which is of highest rank in its healing power, things are a little different. In order to understand the ability of viscum quercinum, it should be mentioned that it works as a UNIT (undismantled) and therefore a “holistic” inspection will be rewarding.

SIMILIA SIMILIBUS CURENTUR! (The similar cures the similar). For an explanation of the term illness, it should be understood that each illness is a condition where a person has allowed him-/herself to leave their inner center. “The body is the expression (the jar) of the soul.” And soul you are! Your character is your tool, so you can exist in this solid and aura-substantial world. What distinguishes you from all other creatures on this planet is: your free will. That’s God’s power, which only rarely is realized and used CONSCIOUSLY. A spiritual imbalance (for what reasons ever) causes all organs to show an early and too strong wearout, a dis-order, or even initiates a decay. A human who is within her/his inner center can be characterized by - apart from being able to digest, metabolize and reproduce – a clear intellect, the ability to dream, think AND act in visions, the fact that he/she has an idea (a goal) for his/her life which satisfies her/him inwardly and outwardly.

Egoists, mediocrity, “I’m a victim”-attitudes and people who are only interested in the mundane and materialistic goods, cloister their hearts away from life the way it is and an “un-being-process” is triggered, with effects like illness or/and death. Hence, the procedure is: CURING via CLEARING and HARMONIZING the mess.

Example: Cancer (tumors, ulcers)
As a result of long studies and countless observations, I can confirm today that cancer or abnormal excrescences only evolve in a body if the following 2 components combine to a very high degree: 

  1. physically: The sick person spends the major part of his/her day within a radiation or disturbance field, i.e. water veins, energy crossings, magnetic disturbance fields, electric radiation…, shortly, in/on an energy field which that person’s body sooner or later cannot any longer cope with.
  2. mentally: Consider the following life (mastership) maxim: “Everything that is thought, said or done by you, is not just a wish but a demand to your life! Therefore, only allow yourself to thing, say or do what you really wish to become reality in your life!”

This attitude towards life is the center of being. A “light-less” attitude towards life, like e.g. behavior patterns (moral programs within the mind), habitual patterns (only this single way, comfort), loneliness patterns, victim behavior, prejudice, mediocrity, coldness… - indeed, attitudes which pull you to the ground and which are analyzed by your feelings (element water – negative), hence becoming effective (element soil) -, leads the organs and body juices not to dextrorotate (molecularly spin) any longer but to counter rotate in their function. The hardening and aberration of the mind and the extrinsic radiation of such disturbance fields cause the cells within the body to go haywire and to spin reversely, so that an uncontrolled growth of these cells is triggered.


  1. physically: As instant help, an exact living and working space diagnosis has to be made and, possibly, both conditions are to be changed immediately. The sick person should let him-/herself be put into the picture by a dowser and subsequently set actions. In order to deflect the radiation it is beneficial to

    a) consume 4-5 liters of water, on a daily basis,
    b) take in ‘Kelpalge’ and lactic acid-fermented cereal (miso from the organic grocery store),
    c) avoid products that contain the element fire (protein, meat, fish, dairy products…),
    d) fast on juices: element water and soil, so the (fire)cancer can be famished, given that the previous points have been put into action
  2. mentally: An immediate hygiene of the entire thinking and language center must be initiated by a qualified guide, behavioral patterns can be noted and let go. A loving intercourse with all of God’s creatures and the love for (life’s) details will build the helpful new start for BE-ing.


The proliferating human-parasite, which produces too much soil, gets loaded homeopathically with the exact oak mistletoe information (similar to similar) in a defined potency; during the first 3 days higher, then D7 (7 is the center of the nucleus) and simultaneously a light-filled ancient tincture is given (helping the light-cells to build up, increasing the detoxication processes and helping to concentrate and reproduce the defense cells); additionally, a crème mixed with oak mistletoe may be applied outwardly (ATTENTION: the mistletoe tincture must not be brought into contact with a metal spoon; it is better to dilute it with water and then keep it inside the mouth for 1 minute, small sips; electricity distance 70cm, to be on the safe side, which means to keep it at this distance (at least) from all cables, bedside lamps, microwaves, fridges etc; it is also recommendable to keep the ancient tincture close to the body).

It may happen that a high initial potency triggers a strong initial reaction within the body, which actually is a good sign that a curing is possible and even presumable.

Example: heart-bloodstream-blood
The blood is, aura-substantially seen, the bearer of the humans’ spirituality. Everything connected to it is determined by this aspect and curable with the mistletoe ancient tincture. 

Example: nerves and connected symptoms
Nerves are light-channels (cables) through which the internal information exchange (consciously and unconsciously) takes place and where the contact to the outside world is being enabled. (Leaves and blossoms of the silver- and gold-mistletoe). 

Example: infertility
mistletoe tincture from: silver-mistletoe berries/oak; Mar/21 pear-mistletoe berries; gold-mistletoe blossoms, leaves and herb.

It is not my intention to discuss all options here; for one thing it would blow my timeframe, and for another thing no individual diagnoses would be possible since each person’s character is reflected by a tree genus and its growth, and in order to correctly determine the cause, it needs a deep insight into the life of the sick and their karmic structures (especially with children). Yet, concluding I would like to list a few examples of illnesses against which the MISTLETOE ancient tincture can be used effectively, without any priority in order:
cancer, tumors, ulcers, blood, blood pressure, heart, nerves, infertility, urinary tract, hormonal system, strokes, hot flashes, calcification, varices, hemorrhoids, cramps, constant headaches, bleedings of all kinds, dyspnea, gout, liver and spleen, falling sickness, epileptic seizure, hysteria, delusions, dizziness, anxiety and restlessness.

If the information flow has been understood so far, the next practical mistletoe usage-possibilities, based on traditional knowledge, will come to you as easily “real-izable”:
Amulets: protect (Walpurgi-mistletoe), fasten healing processes (autumn equinox) and support the fertility (Mar/21)
Coronas: love spells (gold-mistletoe), blessing for weddings (the couple picks mistletoe on the preceding eve and braids a corona through which the kiss is given)
Mistletoe bushes above the door: protection and aura cleansing
Mistletoe bushes in the bedroom: triggers nice dreams (dream catchers)
Kiss underneath a mistletoe: to promise oneself (engagement) 

ANCIENT TINCTURE: set to evolve 1:1 with high-proof wine-spirit mistletoe-herb (or parts) for one moon long, put it into the proper energy, then sieve (use glass, plastics, ceramics or wood) it

Mistletoe tee: put preferred parts into tepid water with 10% mistletoe, let it rest for one night, drink slowly in the morning upon empty stomach

Mistletoe wine: one hand full of mistletoe in 1 liter good white wine, allow to infuse for 7 days in the sun

Mistletoe bath: 2 hands full of mistletoe 5 minutes before bathing into the filled tub, take out after the bath

For tea and wine, consider that the berries are highly poisonous; consume this “sky seed” in very small amounts only.




According to a writing by the federal ministry for social security and generations from Mar/4 2002 (BM Füszl), I am pointing out that this abstract is NO advertisement for the mistletoe ancient tincture, which has been produced in a 12!-year gathering and fermenting span, which contains all mistletoes of a 12-year cycle for humans and hence can work balancing within the ancient information of humans, and which, moreover, is ordered and currently sent to all continents allover the world. Its quality is so unique and of such high energy that it does not need any commercial in Austria because this universal remedy would be sold out instantaneously then. Thank you, Mr. minister, I did not intend to do any advertising with this top-class information, I only wanted to point out how such a miraculous mistletoe ancient tincture can be produced if the focus is properly hocus-sed. Well, people leave, and the mistletoes will be harvested still, and viewpoints will be exchanged still, in order to understand nature and the blessing of the Highest better.


© by alch. Kurt Josef Kickinger, A-3122 Gansbach, Besenbuch 14, September 2000. All rights reserved, especially for all protected and elite-ized medical professions. This account is my own production and part of my diploma.

No part may be copied, reproduced, electronically stored, duplicated, passed on or taught without my previous written authorization. It is the birth-right of the own freedom and possession.

Thank you for your understanding, the positive thoughts and your love towards life. I am delightedly willing to hold lectures on this or on other topics if it is wished for.
More INFO can be found on this HP. 

Baraka-ba-shad. May there be blessing.


Alch. Kurt Josef Kickinger: +43 664 / 3516060, Patricia Klammer: +43 664 / 9150103
A - 3122 GANSBACH, NÖ, Besenbuch 14 - - -